

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


For Easter we had our own family egg hunt in the back yard.  The rest of the relatives had other things happening.  Hope went out with her basket and found a candy for each hand. That's all she needed.  Paige showed her that she could put the candy in her basket and pick up more.  Hope would pull her basket along on the ground behind her and lose most of what was in it.  Parker and Ethan had fun finding the plastic eggs filled with  candy that Braden, Paige and Zach had hidden.

Later that day we colored eggs.  The kids had a great time.  Zach decided to leave an egg in the coloring over night to see what color it would be.  Same colors as it was after a few minutes, but the shell was very soft.

For Easter breakfast I hade the kids help me make resurrection rolls.  They are yummy and  a fun way to teach about the resurrection.
For Easter dinner on Sunday we got together at Ann's house with her kids and Loren's parents.  The food was yummy and it was great to get caught up with relatives.

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