

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday Best

Hope went to her first day of church.  We dressed her in a summer outfit because it is going to be getting cold later on this week.  Paige was a great help and dressed Hope while I curled my hair.

When we got home we had to dress Hope in another outfit because she had a diaper blow out.  I was glad that we made it home before this happened.  I did have an extra outfit in the diaper bag but those kinds of clean ups are best at home.

Braden went back to the doctors on Monday for more x-ray's of his hand.  It is healed...Yes.  So, no more yucky huge splint.  The doctor did give him a fun velcro strap to wear during sports.  It buddies his two fingers together to protect his little finger from getting jambed and rebreaking the bone in his hand.  Braden said it felt so good to have it off.  But that his fingers and wrist were very stiff.  The doctor told him that he would see him next time he broke a bone.   Oh, he better not.

Sleeping in her swing.  She wakes up if it stops.

A fun thing to remember....Parker was talking to me the other day and said,"We use to have 7 people in our family.  But now because of Hope we have 8.  And maybe when Hope is bigger, like 5 or 6 years old, we will get another baby and we will have 9 people in our family".  How do you not disappoint a 6 year old.  I told him that I think 8 is enough .  He then said," But what if Heavenly Father says someone else in our family is missing"?  Man, how do I answer this one???  I told him we would just have to wait and see.   But really,  If Heavenly father wants us to add to our family again, it had better be an older child.  I'm getting to old to do infants.