

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hope is 1 and 1/2

Wow, 18 months already. How time flies.  It seems like we were just in Florida picking her up only months ago.
Loren to her to nursery Sunday, and she loved it!  She is our first child to go without crying. The teachers told us that she just kind of stood and watched for awhile and then jumped right in.  She loved it so much that she didn't want to leave at the end of church.  Loren went to pick her up and she had toy cars in each hand and was dancing around the room.
Loren is as excited as Hope.  He can now go to class without a busy body to take care of.  I laugh because every time we have had a baby, I have been in primary with the 3 or 4 year old class.  This meant that Loren had to take the baby, cause  babies and small kids don't work so well at church.
She still love food.  She will eat almost anything placed in front of her.  She eats with a spoon and fork every meal but ends up finishing with her fingers. It is much faster.

She is cutting 6, yup 6, teeth all at once.  She is happy during the day, but doesn't sleep so well at night.  Hopefully, for the two of us, the teeth will break all of the way through, quickly.
She only has for teeth right now, so she will more than double them in the next week or so.

She loves playing with her friends.  She finds playing with me not as much fun.  She is learning her colors.  We all love the way she says BLUE!! It is so funny.  It sounds something like BBBBoooo, the b's sound like they do when you are blowing raspberries.

She walks down the porch steps with out help.  And would try walking down the inside steps if I let her.

Children grow up way to fast.  At least for their parents they do.

5 K run

I have joined a friend in a 5 K run on fridays.  This means that you run ( or exercise) for the amount of time it would take you to do a 5k.  We really don't meet together, we just all do it on Fridays!!
I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can FAST WALK outdoors.  I don't jog or run. It is bad and hard on the knees. I already have a bad knee, so I stick with walking,  aerobics, and dance.  Also, I work out with the Wii and Kinnect.  There are a lot of options.
I am challenging all of my friends to join us!!! I have a 5k button that will take you to my friends blog.  She posts fun things about 5k and how to stay upbeat!