

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pine wood derby

Braden, Paige and Zachary made pinewood derby cars for Young men and women.  Paige and Zach decided that they wanted pre cut cars so didn't have to do so much work.

Braden made his from the normal block of wood.
 All of them turned out well but didn't win any of the races.
 Paige however did win the award for the Cutest car.

Braden also took a car that he made while in cub scouts.

November is for...

Thanksgiving and recognizing your blessings.
 I am grateful for my loving husband, Loren. He is an amazing man. He loves his job most of the time and provides well for our family.  He is a wonderful Dad and is involved in our children's lives. He is a great example of the Priesthood and brings happiness into our home.
I am grateful for ALL of my children ( yes, even the 3 teenagers), they each bring something special into our home with their different personalities and talents.
I am grateful for Birthparents that give the gift of life so unselfishly.
I am grateful for the gospel in my life.
I am grateful for parents that raised me in the gospel and taught me many things growing up and still do.
I am grateful for such good friends and neighbors.
I am grateful for Christ, my Savior.
I am grateful for life it's self.

My grateful list goes on and on........

I am even grateful for trails, some more than others.

Right this minute, I am grateful for Doctors and the technology of medication.  For without it I would feel lousy, tired, sore and more...every single day.  Instead, I only have these days a few times a month or when my medication need to be increased.  Yes, I am thankful for the health that I do have.