Okay, so we started potty training a few months ago and it only lasted about 1 1/2 weeks. She was doing pretty well and then I guess the excitement wore off and she didn't care.
So I decided to wait for all of the vacations and camping to get over before I tried again.
We started Tuesday when the kids went back to school. She made it to the potty about as many times as she had accidents. Wednesday, she only had 1 accident. She even told me when she needed to go.
Today, she woke up, told me potty-she went- and then asked for panties. She doesn't like pull ups. I don't know why. I make her sleep in them just in case she doesn' t. make it through the night. She usually makes it through the night but I don't want to take chances.
She hasn't had any accidents and even went number two.
She has been the easiest of all of my children.
Way to go Hope!!!