Teddy loves the snow but it sticks to him!
We let Ethan carve his own by himself this year-scary. He did well and didn't get cut.
Parker had a fever and wasn't feeling well so he just watched while Loren carved his.
Braden not happy that I actually got a picture of his face.
Oh, pumpkin guts.
Paige drew her design cleaned out the guts and let Dad carve it.
This is soooo coool!
SMILE...Paige caught it on camera. Hope just had wiggle play time while we did pumpkins. But she has gotten so she loves to be intertained so someone had to be in the room with her at all times. She actually slept for 4 1/2 hours last night-YES! Maybe she will do better tonight. I started giving her gripe water ( water that has natural herbs in it to help reduce colic, tummy aches, and spit up... also helps to sleep better in Hope's case) at her night time feedings and it seems to help.
Loren proped here in a chair-she didn't like it.
Ethan decided that he wanted to learn how to play the piano. So I sat him down and showed him where middle C is and the names of the other notes. Pulled out some beginner music and explained it to him. He sat down and played quit well. He perfers his right hand though. He told me he would practice with it first and then try his left. Silly boy.
Zachary had his first flute lesson with our great neighbor up the street(Bro. Hill). He came home all excited because he can make sound come out of it now.