

Friday, December 10, 2010

SIng, sing, sing

Braden performed in the Lehi Christmas concert. It sounded great.  I love that my children love to sing!!

I used my I phone so the picture isn't  great. The songs are!

Parker's surgery

Parker was the bravest kid I have every seen.  He was only a little nervous about getting his tonsils and adenoids out.
Maybe that is because we took him to a pre-op class where they walked the kids through what was going to happen and gave them cool things.  They gave him a hospital buddy that was dressed in a hospital gown and he got to draw the face on it.  He also got a mask just like the one they would use in surgery to practice with at home.

We didn't have a long wait before surgery which helped.  We were only in the waiting room about 15 minutes, then they took us back to get him ready.  All of the nurses and doctors were very cute with him.  The one that wheeled his bed into surgery drove crazy. And Parker says that Dr. Deny's new name is...crazy Dr. Deny's because he zig zags across the room when he walks.
The whole procedure was about 35 minutes long.  When they brought Parker to recovery, he woke up and told us," that was fun and painless"!  The nurse told him that he was the best patient that she had ever had.
He loved the 2 slushes that they gave him.  We watched t.v. and talked for about 1 hour and then they let us go home.
Surgery makes you look horrible and feel tired. 
I thought that Parker would come home and sleep. But, no!! He watched t.v. and played computer games, even while taking tylenol with codeine. 

 He feels good until the med's start to wear off.  I set my alarm clock so I could get up and give him the next dose before it wore off and he was in pain, so the night went well.
A scout made children's lounge pants for the hospital(eagle scout project) for the children that had surgery, so they could go home in something comfy. Parker got a pair. He also got a game and they let him bring his pressure cuff home.