May has always been a busy month at our house. We have 3 birthdays in our immediate family to celebrate, plus relatives. There is also Mother's Day, the last day of school and Memorial day. To add to it, Loren's surgery, Zach's graduation from 6th grade, Parker's graduation from Kindergarten and Paige's commencement from 8th grade. And I'm sure other things will pop up.
Loren was able to come home from the hospital Thursday afternoon. The doctor asked him if he wanted to go home or stay. Of course Loren said he wanted to go home. I don't blame him. Hospitals are noisy and nurses are always checking on you. But, hello, maybe the doctor should have asked me how I felt about it.
I don't mind taking care of Loren but our bedroom is upstairs and all of the entertainment is on the main floor or in the basement. The whole idea of Loren going up and down the stairs not being able to see his feet and what may be on the floor really makes me nervous. Plus the medication he is on that makes him sleepy. We have made it 1 week without a fall, and it better stay that way.
Loren is on the mend. He stays awake longer during the day and is up and about. He has a doctors apt. next week to remove stitches and see how things look.
Ethan had his 9th Birthday and a party on May 4th. It was a blast!! Here a re some pic's of his party.
We had a contest to see which teem could build the tallest tower of balloons...the towers ended up the same height!!
This tower was tall but wouldn't stay up by it's self.
We also played hot potato with a real hot potato and threw darts at balloons.
Ethan gota new bike. He however thinks it is too big. We need to have him practice.
Hope is now eight months old, weighs 22 1/2 pounds and is 28 inches long. I am glad that she has slowed down. She is so chubby and cute.
She has figured out that if she rolls over more than once, she goes places. She loves her new jumper.
She waves, eats solid foods, stands holding on to things, plays ball, pulls the dogs hair, and is busy all of the time.