I'm not excited about my new primary calling-nursery. It isn't that I don't like the nursery, I've had this calling 4 times before. My biggest problem is that in the 20+ years I've had callings, I've been in primary most of the time. I can count on one hand the callings that I've had outside of primary. All of my calling-except for primary chorister,cubs and activity days- have been with the 18 month to 4 year olds. I pretty much have most of the lessons memorized. It would be nice to have something new. I loved activity days with the older girls and was sad when I was released from it.
When Loren found out I was going back into nursery, he was upset. He said ,"I just don't get it. I sit in Sunday School year after year by myself and wonder how these other couples get so lucky to be together. Why do they always put you right back in primary?" Honestly, I wish I had a good answer for him besides the fact that it's hard to fill primary callings and they know I'll do it.
I'm sure that my feelings will change once I've been there for a while. Right now, though, I'm not jumping for joy!!!
Alright, I'm done.