

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hope 4 weeks, and catch up

Grandma and Grandpa E. came to visit for a few days.  And so the blog got put to the side.  Now it is catch up time.  Hope has been a horrible sleeper lately.  She sleeps better in her car seat than her crib.  However, I don't dare let her sleep in it much.  She had to pass a car seat test at the hospital before they would release her.  They make all preemies and baby's under 6 pounds do this test.  It is to check their oxgen levels and their heart rate to be sure there aren't any ill effects on the baby.  They told us to limit her time in the car seat.  So we have.  My mother in law had the wonderful idea of purchasing a boucey seat for her to sleep in.  She even took me to the store and bought one for her.  Hope did sleep a little better last night.  I hope that it gets better with each night.

I can't believe how big Hope is getting.  She is at least 2 inches longer and is getting chubby.  Her one month Dr. appointment is one friday.  So we will know how much she has grown then.  We also have our first post placement visit with the adoption agency on Friday.  We don't know what to expect with this meeting, since this is our first adoption. 

Grandparents E's.

Hope 4 weeks                                                                                      doing her exercises

Ethan came home very excited today.  The table that he sits on at school got the most table points.  The reward for this was a NO HOMEWORK pass.  He likes the idea of no home work for the day.  The third graders also had an egg drop at school on Friday.  His egg survived.  Yeah.  On the other hand, Parker came home very upset.  Somebody stole his scooter from school.  Hopefully they return it.  People today.  My little dogs got out the front door today when grandparents left and chased the neighbors son on his scooter.  I went and got the dogs and apologized.  But I still feel bad.  Dumb dogs.
Paige hasn't babysat as much lately, she would rather take care of her new sister.  However she did accept a job for tonight.    Braden and Zach say nothing exciting has happened to write about.