

Thursday, June 6, 2013

2nd trip to MTC

You would think that one trip to the MTC would be enough. Not if your child's name is Braden.

So it goes like this...
letter and emails from Braden---

Dear Mom and Dad,
I still need my yellow fever card!!!
The MTC is going great.
I got a NEW flight plan. I will be going to SLC, to Washingtion D.C. (yes, Paige, that's right)!Then I will  be going to Belguim Brussels to Entebbe Uganda!
I Leave June 10th.

 If you can I need to have the yellow fever card by Wednesday, Thanks.

oh, I have something I want to share and its...
"Try a little harder to be a little better"


Uhm, with the emails we sent back and forth, we decided that he didn't get a yellow fever card. So, I went to get one from the health department. They were very sure that he got one. It was a good thing that he had signed a release form for me to get his information, the first time I was there, or they wouldn't have given it to me. So after talking to them and them checking their computer, they finally give me the yellow fever card.
I get home, open Braden's draw in the kitchen and guess what, there is his original yellow fever card!
I write hi a letter and get it ready for the mail.  Loren says he isn't sure it will make it to him beforeMonday. So, this morning I drive back to the MTC.  The security there is very strict. They give me a card at the security window and tell me to park in #1 and call this number. I talk to someone in the MTC whom tells me they will let me drop off the card, but only the card and that a security guard will come to me to get it in a few minutes. I take the card out of the envelope and in a few seconds there is a guard asking me a few questions, takes the card and tell me to have a good day.  Wow, they don't even let you into the parking lot.

By the time I got home, there was an email from Braden saying "thanks" that was it , silly kid. -mom