February has gone by too fast. We were all sick during the month. I had a sinus infection. Hope had an ear infection. Everyone (except Braden) had a cold and Paige and Zach ended up with bronchitis.
Loren has had a bad neck for a few years and it has really been bothering him lately. He has been to therapy for it and to the chiropractor. He went into the doctors again and they did an MRI on it. They found that he has 3 herniated disc's and that the center of one is small and pinching his nerve. They had him go to the hospital to get a cordizone injection which is supposed to take away the pain for about 6 months or more....it didn't work. So he know has an appointment to meet with specialist to talk about having surgery on his neck.
The 3 boys in elementary school had big valentine party's at school. They each decorated a box to put their valentines in.
Parker made a cute heart to wear. It was a present to his parents...
Hope is growing like a weed. She weighs 18 pounds now. And she is wearing 6 to 9 months cloths. She wore a size 12 month dress and it was a little tight around. She is such a cute chunk.
She learned to say dada and Loren is in heaven. The other kids learned to say dada before learned mama. But Hope has been saying mama fore a few months. She loves to scratch things and see what kind of sounds they make and then she squeals. She was doing it at church last week so Loren had to take her out. She has learned to reach for things and for people. Loren waved to her this morning and she waved back. I wonder if she'll do it again. She sits up pretty well but still tips over. She giggles when we wash her hands with a wash cloth. And loves to play in the running water in the sink. she also loves buttons and music. She will be 6 months old in 2 days. How time flies.
Playing the piano with Braden
and Paige
Learning all about the computer with Dad