

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ethan's Birthday

K, so I am just a little behind!

Our sweet Ethan turned 10 on May 4th. Loren's parents came in town to celebrate with us.Ethan invited friends to a Belade party.  Around Ester I found bey blades on sale for $4.oo.  They are normally $8, so I snagged a lot of them.  This worked out great for the party.

We played games that had 1 winner. 
frozen t-shirt game

coloring contest
flip marbles into bowls
blowing bubbles with frozen gum

 When they won they got to pick a surprise from the bag-all bey blades. At the end of the party they had a bey blade  tournament with 2 stadiums.  The boys had a blast.

Ethan thinks one of the  best gifts was from his grand parents (E's).  The gave him a small fold up stadium that he took to school with him everyday, in his backpack.
 He and some friends play bey blades at recess.