

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Crazy May days!!!

May has been quit the crazy month at our house.  Besides Loren's neck surgery we have had many other things going on.
Zachary had his 12th Birthday on the 20th.  We took him out to eat at the Texas road house.  He said that he needed to eat STEAK!  He got a cockatiel  that can already whistle tunes.  He is trying to teach it how to talk.  He keeps the door to his room closed because of our dogs and cat.  He received the Priesthood last Sunday and was able to pass the sacrament today.  He did a great job.  I am so proud of him.

Zach's bird--Talon

Paige and Braden both had end of the year choir performances.  Of course they were great!! 

Braden was more like a musical about WW11 it was amazing, song, dance and speaking parts!!
Loren got video of both of them and thought that he got just photo's of Braden ( the video camera is new and is supposed to do both) but we didn't end up with photo's of Braden. I guess we will be reading the manual soon to figure the whole thing out.

Paige graduated from middle school,  Zach graduated from elementary school Parker graduated from Kindergarten.  My kids are all growing up way too fast.  However I still feel the same age.
For Paige's graduation they had a few speakers and a slide show of all of the 8th graders.  No walking across the stage.  The kids thought that was the best part.  After, they had punch and cookies.  I forgot to take my camera, so no pic's.  Zach's graduation the kids sang and also had a slide show. Loren took the video camera to this also, so we know there are no pic's of this either.
Kindergarten graduation is always a hoot.  They kids are so excited to graduate and show off what they have learned during the year.  Parker coached me for many days before on what was going to happen.  He was always telling me, "Now remember, mom.......".  I knew exactly what was going to happen and that after they were done in the gym that we were to follow them to their class for a treat and pictures.

I bought 2 trees from a nursery last week.  They brought much bigger trees than I paid for, which was nice.  However, digging the holes to plant them wasn't so nice.  Braden and I planted dug the hole for the smaller tree.  It took a few hours because of the hard clay.  Loren decided that we could pay some young men in the ward to help dig the second hole.  That would save me from more sore muscles and give the young men a chance to earn money for scout camp.  The second hole went very quick.  Six boys showed up and we had the tree planted in about 1 hour.  Thanks boys for all of your hard work.

This is the smaller Tree.   It is a Marshall Ash and is about 12 feet tall.
This is the larger tree.  It is a Spit leaf weeping birch.  The 3 men that brought it said that it weighed 700 pounds.  It took the 3 of them took get it off the truck and into the backyard.  I had them put it right by the place we were going to dig it so that we could just roll it in.  They say not to roll them but what else could we do??

Loren went to his 3 week check up for his neck.  He no longer has to wear a neck brace but is still very limited to what he can do.  No golf this summer!!!  He also can't swim ride a bike, lift heavy objects, dig big holes......the list goes on.  He has another check up in August and hopefully  all of the bans will be lifted. It is also his 43 Birthday today!!!  He got a NOOK(electronic reader) so he will be doing a lot of reading!!  He also bought himself an early Father's day gift.  An infra RED BBQ'r. It is huge. It can grill up to 42 patties at a time.  Can you guess what we will be doing this summer!

Hope learned to army crawl.  Is isn't very fast yet but I'm sure it will happen soon enough.  Lately she has fallen asleep in her high chair while eating.  It is so funny.  She is trying to do away with the morning nap but she really still needs one.  She gets so cranky until she finally gives in and falls asleep.

Ethan is glad that school is over because now he can play more.  He is crazy though, he still gets up early...6:30ish just to watch t.v..  What to do with him???hum.

Loren's parent arrived in town on Friday.  We had 2 high school graduations in our extended families and they came for that and Birthdays.  They will be here for 1 week.

I think that I have gotten everything in, but I may just come up with something that I didn't think of.
Our house seems to be settling down a little.  It even is cleaner that it has been for weeks.  I'm looking forward to June and some relaxation---maybe.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Loren will be fine!!!

We spent all afternoon, yesterday, going between the doctors office and the hospital.  Loren had doctors appointment  at 2:30 where the doctor asked questions and checked him out, they needed to take out his stitches but we where scheduled for an MRI and needed to leave. So the doctor told us to bring the images of is MRI back with us right after it was finished and they would remove the stitches and then take a look at the MRI when they had time.  So off we went to the hospital.  Hope and I had a good time playing in the waiting room and watching all of the people come and go.  They doctor decided that Loren just has a strained muscle and gave him a steroid to help reduce the swelling.
I'm hoping that things at my house calm down for a while.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a Sunday!

Loren tells me this morning that he is in a lot of pain and needs to go to the E.R. He told me that he had a horrific pain going from his neck down his left arm. And his pain med's didn't do anything for it. I quickly dressed and called my teaching partner to tell her that I may not make it to church. So, into the car we go, at 8:30 this morning. We went to the Utah Valley ER because that is were he had his surgery and they would have access to his files. They gave him a big old shot of pain medication in his behind to help with the pain. They then took him for a CT scan. The scan can back clear. They sent Loren home with a new prescription for a stronger pain med.. So now the hospital has sent orders for an MRI for tomorrow. We need to call them in the morning to see what time to come in. We also need to call his doctor to see if he wants to see him.
When we arrived back home, all of the children were still in their P.J.'s so I hurriedly got ready for church so I would make it in time to teach my primary lesson. I made it in plenty of time.
After church the primary Presidency came to talk to Zach and tell him fair well. He turn 12 this next Thursday. He also has a meeting with the scout leaders later today, to welcome him to scouts. Sometime today I need to make it to the pharmacy for Loren's med's.
Hope woke up 4 times last night and has been grumpy on and off today. I hope she isn't getting ill. And Boy I really want a nap.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May freezes bring....

May freezes bring dead plants!! I really love the rain but the cold nights just need to leave.

May has always been a busy month at our house.  We have 3 birthdays in our immediate family to celebrate, plus relatives.  There is also Mother's Day, the last day of school and Memorial day.  To add to it, Loren's surgery, Zach's graduation from 6th grade, Parker's graduation from Kindergarten and Paige's commencement from 8th grade.  And I'm sure other things will pop up.

Loren was able to come home from the hospital Thursday afternoon.  The doctor asked him if he wanted to go home or stay.  Of course Loren said he wanted to go home.  I don't blame him.  Hospitals are noisy and nurses are always checking on you.  But, hello, maybe the doctor should have asked me how I felt about it.
I don't mind taking care of Loren but our bedroom is upstairs and all of the entertainment is on the main floor or in the basement. The whole idea of Loren going up and down the stairs not being able to see his feet and what may be on the floor really makes me nervous.  Plus the medication he is on that makes him sleepy.  We have made it 1 week without a fall, and it better stay that way.
Loren is on the mend.  He stays awake longer during the day and is up and about.  He has a doctors apt. next week to remove stitches and see how things look.
Ethan had his 9th Birthday and a party on May 4th.  It was a blast!!  Here a re some pic's of his party.

We had a contest to see which teem could build the tallest tower of balloons...the towers ended up the same height!!

This tower was tall but wouldn't stay up by it's self.

We also played hot potato with a real hot potato and threw darts at balloons. 

Ethan gota new bike.  He however thinks it is too big.  We need to have him practice.

Hope is now eight months old, weighs 22 1/2 pounds and is 28 inches long.  I am glad that she has slowed down.  She is so chubby and cute.
She has figured out that if she rolls over more than once, she goes places. She loves her new jumper.

She waves, eats solid foods, stands holding on to things, plays ball, pulls the dogs hair, and is busy all of the time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Loren's Surgery

We woke up at 4:30 a.m. to make it to the hospital by 5:30.  Loren made it in to surgery by 8:20.  All went well.  He was in a lot of pain until they came and gave him a shot.  If all goes well the doctor said he may be released to go home sometime tomorrow.
Heading back to the hospital and I think I need a nap.