

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Other happenings in May

I  knew that there were probably things that I had forgotten to mention, so here they are.
 Zachary, Ethan and Parker were all in the dance festival at school and did a great job.  We were afraid that it might be canceled or changed to another day because we got 3 inches of snow the day before. But amazingly enough the weather was great.
We had a water leak in the ceiling of the theatre room and had to tear down part of the ceiling to find the leak and get rid of the parts that were wet.  Loren's cousin is going to come fix it for us.
The microwave caught on fire, so we bought a new one. While opening the new one we noticed that the prongs on the plug were all bent over to one side, back to the store it went.  And another one brought home.  This one works.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Yay, I just found your blog! May really was a crazy month for you! The kids really do grow up fast, don't they? And like you, I still feel the same age. Crazy!