

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's official

Braden finally finished the Driving part to get his license.  I took him to get his  license, yesterday.  So if you live by me, stay off the sidewalks. Just kidding, he is a good driver.
He took drivers ED last year but at the end of the year the teacher had to go in for open heart surgery.  The school was supposed to call us with days and times for Braden to finish up during the summer but they never did.  Before school started I went into the office and left the teacher a note-with no response. I then left messages on his voice mail with no response.  Braden finally went into his classroom and questioned him about it , just to find out that everything was full.  I kept sending Braden to talk to the teacher and he finally made room for him to complete range and road.
I can't tell if Braden is excited about it or not.  I think he is but just doesn't want to show it.  We now need to get the mustang up and running again so I can teach him how to drive a stick.

It seems that I have had someone home ill every week this year.  Zach didn't feel well on Tuesday, so I kept him home from school.  He is still home today.  I took him into the doctors and he has bronchitis. I am looking forward to warmer weather and less illness in our home.


Heather said...

Driving = YEAH

Bronchitis = BOO

Pengwenn said...

Give Braden a couple pieces of advice from me that I learned and has come in handy:

1) when you stop make sure you stop far enough back to still see the tires of the car in front of you. When I got rear-ended last week the only thing that kept me from being pushed into the car ahead of me was because I did just that. Any closer and I would have had damage on the back and front of my car.

2) allow one car length of distance between you and the car ahead for every 10 mph you are driving. I can't tell you how many times I've had to slam on my brakes because the car ahead stop suddenly. Sometimes even that length hasn't been enough and I've had to swerve into another lane. Something like that will get your heart racing.....but your car shouldn't be!