

Friday, March 25, 2011

Scary baby

Hope fell down our flight of stairs last night. She hit her head hard on the tile at the bottom.  I usually have two rugs piled on each other at the bottom but of course I had moved them to clean and hadn't gotten them back where they belong, yet.
I was in my room folding laundry and heard tumble, tumble, boom, and a ear splitting cry. Loren and Zach were down stairs and made it to her first.  I took her and checked her out. I could see a bruise forming on her forehead.  Bumps that stick out are usually a good sign, ones that stay flat are not.  This one started to swell, but not much.  I check out the rest f her body and she seemed okay.  However, I was concerned that she could have hit her head somewhere else on the way down, so as a precaution I took into the ER.  Buy the time we got there she had a large knot on her head but wasn't crying anymore.

The nurses and doctor were great.  They got us in and out under 1 hour.  They gave Hope crayons a color book and some paper dolls.  She colored for quite a while.  She was up and dancing before we left.
They sent papers and instructions home with us with things to look for incase she has a concussion.  She is doing good with no signs, yet.  A little cranky, but she probably has a headache.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Poor Hope! I hope she is fine and concussion-free.

And Happy Birthday to you!!!